Lotus Prose Editorial Services is on a hiatus until Spring 2023.

Responses will be limited.

Not ready to submit just yet but want to learn more?

Email me at info at lotusprose.com to begin the conversation.

Submitting your manuscript

  1. Send me your full manuscript using the form below. Please send me it in Microsoft Word in Times New Roman with size 12 font with “Normal” margins. If you are not using Microsoft styles with confidence, please remove them from your manuscript.

  2. I’ll give you free sample edit and a rate proposal. You can read what the Editorial Freelance Association says about rates to get a ballpark of what your investment may be.

  3. If we decide to work together, I’ll send you an agreement to electronically sign and an invoice. I require a non-refundable 50% deposit to start on your manuscript.* The final edited manuscript will be returned upon payment of the balance.

  4. Wait with bated breath. In our contract, we’ll work out a deadline that works for you.

  5. Review the edited manuscript. I will use Microsoft Word Track Changes and Comments for you to review the changes I’ve made. You will receive a clean copy without Track Changes and a Track Changes version. If you do not know how to use Track Changes, check out this YouTube video. Again, please don’t be overconfident with your Track Changes abilities.

  6. Developmental + Copyediting Package Clients: For clients that choose a developmental edit and copyediting edit package, once you have finished making your developmental edits, I will edit your document a second time with a copyediting level of detail.

*Dear friends, we all have a story to tell, but let’s face it—all of us don’t have access to the same resources to polish our words as much as we’d like. If it feels like I’m talking about you and your circumstances, I still want to talk to you. Payment plans are available.

Not ready to submit a manuscript but still want to talk? E-mail me.

If you’re ready to submit, please fill out the intake form.